Physical Therapy Services in York County, SC: Treatments and Locations

Are you in search of physical therapy services in York County, South Carolina? We have two convenient locations with certified specialists on-site to help you on the path to recovery. Whether you want to prevent or treat an injury, recover from a recent illness, or recuperate from surgery, our York clinic offers a wide range of treatments and programs to meet your needs. We also provide virtual telehealth appointments and in-home therapy services. At our physical therapy centers in York County, SC, we offer many treatments to assist you in achieving your goals.

Our certified specialists are experienced in providing a variety of services, including manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, aquatic therapy, and more. We also offer specialized programs such as vestibular rehabilitation, lymphedema management, and sports rehabilitation. Manual therapy is a type of physical therapy that uses hands-on techniques to treat musculoskeletal conditions. It can help reduce pain and improve mobility by manipulating the soft tissues and joints.

Manual therapy can also help improve posture and balance. Therapeutic exercise is another type of physical therapy that helps improve strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and endurance. It can also help reduce pain and improve overall function. Our certified specialists will design an individualized program to suit your specific needs. Aquatic therapy is a type of physical therapy that takes place in a pool or other body of water.

It can be used to treat a variety of conditions such as arthritis, back pain, joint pain, and more. The buoyancy of the water helps reduce stress on the joints while providing resistance for strengthening exercises. At our York County physical therapy centers, we also offer specialized programs such as vestibular rehabilitation, lymphedema management, and sports rehabilitation. Vestibular rehabilitation is used to treat dizziness and balance problems caused by inner ear disorders. Lymphedema management is used to reduce swelling caused by lymphatic system disorders.

And sports rehabilitation helps athletes recover from injuries and return to their sport safely. If you are looking for physical therapy services in York County, South Carolina, schedule an appointment at our clinic today! Our certified specialists are here to help you on the road to recovery.

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